This page is dedicated to dogs
and dog lovers everywhere!

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Click Above to Meet Joey's New little Sister Stella!

Click above to order "Breed Specific" dog

Click here to see Joey's Winning Page! June Wonder Dog of The

Joey's 1st. Hair Cut!

Joey gets to visit with is Mom! July 23rd, 2004
(notice how much smaller Gracie is? Notice how much she
looks like Mr. Miles?)



Joey has been

(Meet Joey's girlfriend Emma!)

Click the bone
to see Keith's 40th Birthday Bash!

This Bone takes
you to Our May Party!

Everyone Please
Welcome Joey!
Our NEW Puppy!
Joey Bernard
Born July 21st. 2003 -
Tempe, Arizona
Adopted September
12th, 2003 Phoenix, Arizona

Click on any picture to
see it larger! September 2003
Click on any
picture to see it larger! October 2003
Click on any picture to
see it larger! November/December 2003
Click on any picture to
see it larger! Jan/Feb/March 2004

Look Closely, Joey has a hat on!



Products We Use To Enhance Our Live And Our Pets Lives!

Learn what Cushing's
Disease is and what you can do for your pets
Pet Memorial You Should See!
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Joey's Story
The Passing of Mr. Miles devastated me,
only those with animals seem to understand the pain someone
goes through, I don't know maybe everyone understands and as
my Best friend Jacqui Says "we all deal with it
differently", none the less The Second week of September was
a life changing experience for me.
Monday September 8th, 2003 it
came to me that I was having way too much trouble finding an
American Eskimo Dog Puppy, All I could find was breeders and
older rescue dogs, The breeders were no help except for a
small few and they all were so demanding, The rescue dogs
would be a "trial and error" issue considering we already
had an 11 year old Chowchow and an 14 year old cat, I felt
it was time to be a Dad again to a baby Fuzz butt , as I was
to Miles.
something popped in my head
to look for a Samoyed Dog, I always wanted a larger dog,
Samoyed Dogs are almost the same as an Eskimo's except for a
few different traits and size (Joey will grow to 70 PLUS
lbs.), so I begin my search, I researched the breed, Looked
a dozens of websites, and told randy of my findings. Randy
said ok whatever I wanted, So I continued my search and
research and on Friday I went to
www.azcentral.com and
put "Samoyed" in the search engine. Two ads appeared and I
called both. The first call was an answering machine, the
second a very sweet lady named Jan answered the phone and
told me she had one male left, I assumed there were only 2
in the litter since the ad only stated 1 female and 1 Male,
to my surprise there were 8 in all! After a lengthy
conversation I told the lady I would call her back.
Running to randy with my
findings were a little shocking to him he tossed his arms in
the air and said "were not ready for a puppy", I said who is
really ever ready for anything and the lady seemed nice and
she is not a breeder, Randy said ok call her back and let's
go see the puppies. I called Jan back and again to my
surprise she said "I was hoping you'd call back, I really
have a good feeling about you and I like your energy", I
wrote down the directions and at 7PM we arrived in a nice
Tempe development, I was shaking and very nervous as we
walked to the door, Was I doing the right thing? Am I
replacing Miles? would he be mad? Is this a little Miles
back to finish what we started?
Jan greeted us at her gate
and in the distance I saw the Mom and Dad peering out from
behind a staircase. We walked in and Joey's mom and dad
(Gonzo and Gracie) seemed OVERLY happy to see us and didn't
leave randy and I alone for a minute, I was soaked with
licks within an half-hour of our visit! Happily bouncing to
see the commotion at the door was a Little tiny white ball
of fur, My heart fluttered with excitement as I stepped into
the family room to meet the little devil. he immediately
started to grab my shoe laces, I melted and looked at randy
with an expression of "This Is It, and randy then knew we
were about to take home a Tiny bundle of joy! We
all played for over an hour Joey and I went outside and ran
around the pool, randy joined us as Joey chased us all over
the yard. During the hour played we were told that the AD
was a first day run and she had 2 other people coming the
next day to look at him, but told them to call first because
she didn't think Joey would be available. Coincidence?
We went in and sat for awhile
visiting with Gonzo and Gracie, I asked Gracie if I can take
her pup home and she licked my face so furiously I needed a
towel to wipe dry, but I used my shirt instead. Then all of
a sudden they fell sound asleep, Randy looked at me and said
well... I said yes and we picked up Joey and quietly walked
outside, I felt a sense of calmness about the whole
experience and knowing the two dogs sleeping inside were ok
with us made me feel even better. We said goodbye to
Jan and as we walked to the Blazer I started to cry, Randy
said what's wrong?, I said "Randy, I think my heart was
healed tonight", and it was.
Joey has filled a void in my
life that no human could ever fill, a void of emptiness,
sadness and a longing for my companion. Joey has not
replaced Miles, rather added to the love only a dog and a
dog owner could share.
Miles was and is forever in
my heart,
Joey and I are now on our new
life's journey, together with Randy, Sable and Duchess our
cat, we have many new experiences and "Kodak" moments to
share and explore. This website will be our portal to the
world, sharing with our friends and family All the priceless
moments we will have together for as long as we can.
If you are reading this you
are probably a friend or family member, thank you for caring
and taking the time to understand our life, I hope this
makes me as a person just a little more in focus for you.
Lot's Of Love, Hugs and
Keith, Randy, Sable, Joey and

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