Flat Samantha's Arizona Adventure       

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Q:  What is Flat Samantha?

A:  Flat Samantha project my little cousin was involved in her second grade class in Buffalo Grove, Illinois.

She is based on the book Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown.

One night when Stanley Lambchop is asleep, his big bulletin board falls on top of him. Stanley isn't hurt, but his family discovers that he is as flat as a pancake.

Stanley has many exciting adventures while he is flat. One of his best adventures is his trip to California to visit a friend. Mr. Lambchop puts Stanley in an envelope and mails him to California!

The official Flat Stanley Project was developed by a teacher in Ontario, Canada, in 1995. Flat Stanley has been all over the world, including to the Eiffel Tower and the White House.

He has even been out to space on the space shuttle Discovery and on many TV shows.

To view Flat Samantha you will need Microsoft Windows Media Player.

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For more about Flat Stanley click the links below or Google the words "Flat Stanley".




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Copyright © 2004 . 2dogdesigns - Keith Lipman - All rights reserved. Revised: 05/12/12